This Magic Moment
2016.03.21. 17:25

*3rd placed of II. Smile of Fortune, Not Too Lucky Horse, NICE, The 2nd of 1 Minute Galopp Race, Outstanding Galopp Horse in CloverSands, GOOD, Good Horse in M'sM, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Appearance in March, GOOD, 3rd Placed Horse in Color Appearance, NICE, Nice Stallion, GOOD, Good Horse in Cavallo Center I. Head Appearance, Excellent Galopp Horse, NICE, Nice Horse in I. Fast Appearance, FAVORITE, EXCELLENT, NICE
Hvneve: |
Moment |
Nem: |
Mn |
Szletett: |
2013.6.17. |
Fajta: |
Angol telivr |
Marmagassg: |
170 cm |
Szakg: |
Galopp\Kzptv |
Kllem (12) Galopp (12)
-1. hely, II. Appearance in February /Angol telivr/ (
-1. hely: Summer Appearance in UnderArmour | | Telivrek
-2.hely, 1 Minute Galopp Race (
-2. hely, Break Down The Walls /Rvidtv/ (
-2. hely, Reopen Appearance /Mnek/ (
-2. hely, I. Head Appearance /angol telivrek fejklleme/ (
-2. hely, Galopp Race III. /Kzptv/ (
-2. hely, I. Fast Appearance /Telivrek/ (
-2. hely, Essence Breakout Tiszteletverseny /Kllem- Angol telivrek/ (
-3. hely, Break the Cycle /900m/ ( *Kznsg kedvenc
-3. hely, Essence Breakout Tiszteletverseny /Galopp-Rvidtv/ (
-3. hely, I. Spring Appearance /Mnek/ (
-3. hely, Appearance for Everyone /Mnek/ (
-3. hely, September Appearance for Stallions (
-3. hely, Appearance in March /Mnek/ (
-3. hely, Color Appearance /Srga/ (
-3. hely, II. Smile of Fortune (
-3. hely: Never Look Back Derby | | 1400m
-3. hely: Galopp Championat | | Kzptv
-3. hely: Summer Galopp in UnderArmour | | Kzptv
-4. hely, January Beauty Appearance (
-4. hely, Motion's First Event /Galopp-Kzptv/ (
-10. hely, Winter Nations Cup (
-10. hely, Villm Galopp (
Trzsknyvezett nv: |
This Magic Moment |
Trzsknyvi szm: |
26483-09473/Thor. |
Szrmazs: |
Japn |
So You Think |
Believe in Me |
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Paris Breeze |
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Unbridled Song |
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Dream Weaver |
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