Shiloh of Nothingham
2016.03.06. 21:04

12*ELITE, 5*BEST, 12*GOOD, 7*NICE, GREAT, 2*PERFECT, 2*BETTER, 3rd Placed in LaMorte Cup Challenge, 2nd Placed Horse in Benigma, Elite in Dressage center of Nihon Cup, 1st Nihon Cup in Versailles, BEST, Best in Dressage center of Nihon Cup, 2nd Nihon Cup in Awoi, Recorder in Training Center, GOOD HORSE, 3rd placed horse in Who is the Champion? - part I., 4th Placed on Hybryd Appearance, Winner on 1100m, Best, Good Racehorse in Dark Spirit, Better, ABSOLUTECLEVER, EXCELLENT,Absolute horse in I. GHR Galopp, 1st Placed Horse in I. GHR Galopp, 1st placed Horse in Mare's Galopp Race, 2nd Placed Horse in Spring Galopp, Excellent Galopp Horse, 1st Placed of Spring Classics Derby, The Fastest Horse in Tour des Flandres CategoryELITE, Top Horse in Clover Sands, PonyIsland Champion, Absolute Winner of Spring Classics Derby, Clever Galopp Horse, Good Horse in CloverSands, Good, Nice, 5th Placed Team in Just Win! Csapatverseny, ERSONAL FAVOURITE horse of the Season Opener Gallop on Silverglade PS, Nice Horse in Head Appearance, BEST horse of the Season Opener Gallop on Silverglade PS, 3rd Placed Horse in Appearance in May, Good Mare, Nice Mare in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, 3rd in Because I'm Perfect Appearance, SA Second, Better,Perfect Beginner Horse of December, 1st Placed on December’s Gallop Horse Cup, 2nd Placed Horse in Benigma, NGA Lucky Trophy Winner 2015, Good horse in Cavallo Center II. Cavallo Race, RSM Good, Third in II. Magical Race Cup, Magical Race Park's Champion, First in II. Magical Race Park Cup, More Beautiful Horse in Boy or Girl Appearance, Fastest Horse in I Feel The Victory, Fastest Horse in Chocolate's Race, More Beautiful Horse in As A Paintbox Appearance, Beautiful Horse, RD Nice, Faster Horse in Fast Galopp Derby, 2nd Placed Miler in America, 3rd Placed Mare in America, 1st horse in Only Girls - Appearance, Nice horse in Shandara
Hvneve: |
Siloh |
Nem: |
Kanca |
Szletett: |
2010.04.12 |
Fajta: |
Angol telivr |
Marmagassg: |
158 cm |
Szakg: |
Galopp\Rvidtv |
sszesen: 85 eredmny
- 1. hely: Arabian and Thoroughbred Show|galopp-rvidtv(1100m)
- 1. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: Head Appearance (felntt lovak)
- 1. hely: Only Girls Appearance
- 1. hely: Never Look Back Derby (1400m) *absz. gyztes
- 1. hely: IV. Fast Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: Snowy Appearance (galopp lovak)
- 1. hely: Fast Appearance (WorldUp) (kanck)
- 1. hely: 1615. Pata.Csata Appearance (legelszs) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Karcsonyi Kupa|galopp
- 1. hely: Nihon Cup (kllem)
- 1. hely: Secretariat Stakes (1700m) - rekord idvel *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: I. GHR Galopp(rvidtv) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Spring Classics Derby (1400m-Tour des Flandres) *abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: March’s Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: II. Thoroughbred Appearance
- 1. hely: Mare’s Galopp
- 1. hely: Fajtakategris Kllem (angol fajtk)
- 1. hely: II. Social Sites Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: December’s Gallop Horse Cup (kezd: 0-35e)
- 1. hely: Game of Colors Gallop (rvidtv)
- 1. hely: Szezonnyit Galopp (kanck futama) *szemlyes kedvenc
- 1. hely: Lucky Trophy (galopp)
- 1. hely: 1000+ Appearance
- 1. hely: Telivr Kllem
- 1. hely: II. Magical Race Cup (galopp)
- 1. hely: I Feel The Victory (rvidtv)
- 1. hely: Chocolate's Race (rvidtv)
- 1. hely: Birthday Appearance (kanck)
- 1. hely: I. Derby in October (rvidtv)
- 2.hely: All Over The Map (Gallop) Rvidtv
- 2. hely: Fast Galopp Derby (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Renessance Opening Appearance (kanck)
- 2. hely: We are the Runaways! (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: As a Paintbox Appearance (szrke lovak)
- 2. hely: Boy or Girl? Appearance
- 2. hely: Galopp in March (1200m)
- 2. hely: I. CRP Galopp Race (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Your Favorite Picture Appearance
- 2. hely: UnderArmour Galopp (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Cavallo Race (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Rockstar Beats (The Exploited-1300m)
- 2. hely: Winter Cup – Galopp (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Head Appearance
- 2. hely: CloverSands’ Spring Appearance (kanck)
- 2. hely: V. DLRC Galopp (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Ireland Gallop - The Hill(1200m, homok)
- 2. hely: Chocolate's Race (kllem)
- 2. hely: Spring Galopp (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: Winter Cup (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: I. Kennedy Appearance (kanck)
- 2. hely: Nihon Cup (rvidtv)
- 2. hely: I. CRP Appearance (kanck)
- 2. hely: II. Black or White Gallop(900-1500m)
- 2. hely: Dubai World Cup (Dubai Golden Shaheen 1200m)
- 3. hely: All Over The Map - Amerika (kllem) (kanck)
- 3. hely: II. Black or White Appearance
- 3. hely: Frankel Respect Race|Frankel Tiszteletverseny(2000m)
- 3. hely: Who is the Champion? Part I. (telivrkllem)
- 3. hely: Appearance in May
- 3. hely: Name letters Appearance
- 3. hely: Colorful Galopp in Shandara (rvidtv)
- 3. hely: UnderArmour Galopp in March (1800m)
- 3. hely: IV. Champions Day - Queen Elisabeth II Stakes (1600)
- 3. hely: Because I’m Perfect Appearance
- 3. hely: Spring's First Appearance (kanck)
- 3. hely: II. Dvayne Days (galopp)
- 3. hely: Gumball Gallop (1200m)
- 3. hely: II. Horse Breeds Category Appearance (angol telivrek)
- 3. hely: La Morte Cup Challenge (Verde Stakes rvidtv)
- 3. hely: III: RSM Galopp (rvidtv)
- 3. hely: July Appearance (kanck)
- 3. hely: I. UnderArmour Appearance (kanck)
- 3. hely: Be My Valentine Appearance (emberrel)
- 3. hely: I. Just your Horses Appearance (angol telivrek)
- 3. hely: II. Magical Race Cup (kllem)
- 3. hely: Appearance for the Lannisters (Cersei-kanck)
- 3. hely: Rainy Day Galopp (1200 m)
- 4. hely: Dark Spirit - Winter Olympics (galopp)
- 4. hely: Hybryd Appearance (telivrkllem)
- 4. hely: Dark Spirit Derby|Dark Spirit Derby
- 4. hely: II. Red Doom Appearance (angol kanck)
- 5. hely: Just Win! Csapatverseny(galopp)
- 5. hely: BDL Derby (rvidtv)
- 6. hely: Funny Lime Lovasnapok|galopp-hossztv
Trzsknyvezett nv: |
Shiloh of Nothingham |
Trzsknyvi szm: |
44467-56754/Thor. |
Szrmazs: |
Amerika (USA) |
Nothingham xx |
Nothing xx |
Good Game |
Last Time |
Calico |
