2016.03.06. 21:04

8xELITE, 4xBest, Better, 1xExcellent, 6xGood, 6xNice, 2*Perfect, Winner, Good Horse, Beautiful Horse in I. Explosive Impetus Appearance-Better in Arabian Show, Good of Saratoga Race Course I. Months Appearance, Fanta's Favourite, Nice Appearance Horse, Nice Horse in the Anime Appearance, Nice Horse in the GP- Horse Racing Opening Appearance, Nice Appearance Horse in Svart Prla's Race, 2xTop Horse in Clover Sands, Best Horse in Dvayne's Racecourse, Good Horse on PHR, Best Horse in Head Appearance, Better Stallion in Svart Prla's Race, Best horse of the Season Opener Appearance on Silverglade PS, Nice Horse in Mark Appearance, Best Appearance Horse, 4th Placed Stallion in America, 1st horse in Only Boys Appearance
Hvneve: |
Sharie |
Nem: |
Mn |
Szletett: |
2010.04.27 |
Fajta: |
Arab telivr |
Marmagassg: |
156 cm |
Szakg: |
- |
46 eredmny
- 1. hely: I.Explosive Impetus Appearance
- 1. hely: Why? Appearance (telivr) *szemlyes kedvenc
- 1. hely: Game of Colors Appearance III. (mn)
- 1. hely: Only Boys Appearance
- 1. hely: Spring's First Appearance (mnek)
- 1. hely: II. CloverSands Music Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: CloverSands' Spring Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: I. Horse Racing Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: Dvayne Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: Head Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: II. No Limit Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: Szezonnyit Kllemverseny (mn)
- 1. hely: Revenge Kllemverseny (mn)
- 1. hely: III. No Limited Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: Appearance in June (mn)
- 1. hely: IV. No Limit Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: AHS Appearance (telivrek)
- 1. hely: TV Show Appearance (Pretty Little Liars) *max pontszmmal
- 1. hely: International Arabian Horse Festival (arabian horse show - 2-4 years, stallion)
- 1. hely: VI. No Limit Appearance (mn)
- 1. hely: Thoroughbred Review (arab telivr - mn)
- 1. hely: In The Paddock (mn)
- 2. hely: I. UnderArmour Appearance (mnek/herltek)
- 2. hely: Golden Star Big Appearance (mnek/herltek)
- 2. hely: Head Appearance (felntt lovak)
- 2. hely: Your Favorite Picture Appearance
- 2. hely: Arabian Show
- 2. hely: I. CRP Appearance (mnek)
- 2. hely: Autumn Appearance
- 2. hely: Name letters Appearance
- 2. hely: Months Appearance
- 2. hely: Pata Csata Tavaszi Kllem (mn)
- 2. hely: Anime Appearance (mn)
- 2. hely: GP - Horse Racing Opening Appearance (mn)
- 2. hely: I. PonysLand Appearance (mn)
- 2. hely: Heroes Stallions Appearance (kllem)
- 2. hely: Mark Appearance (mn)
- 2. hely: Araber Inspection (mn)
- 2. hely: 1000+ Appearance (arab telivr - mn)
- 3. hely: Simple Appearance Part II. (mn)
- 3. hely: Appearance in Monte Carlo (mn)
- 3. hely: April's Beauty (mn)
- 3. hely: I. Arabian Horse Cup (kllem)
- 3. hely: Arabian Cup (kllem)
- 3. hely: Sort Your Horses Appearance
- 4. hely: All Over The Map - America (kllem) (mnek)
Trzsknyvezett nv: |
Sharzan |
Trzsknyvi szm: |
44467-56754/Thor. |
Szrmazs: |
Unchained Stud |
Pyro Thyme |
Justify Noise |
PS De Nera |
Pandora's Fire
WH Justice |
Dawn in Fire |
