Carpe Diem

1x FAMOUS 1x PERFECT 1x ABSOLUTE WINNER 5x ELITE, 2x BEST, 1x BETTER 1x GREAT2x EXCELLENT 3x BEST 2x GOOD 1x NICE , 1st in Banc Appearance, 2x 2nd in Thoroughbred Days, The Best Stallion, 1st Placed in Rolex Appearance, 2nd Placed on Galopp Days, Most beautiful horse in Telivrek Klleme, Famous horse in I. BC Appearance, Most beautiful horse in I. BC Appearance, 1st Placed in Dvayne Days, 2nd Placed in Gallop Dvayne Days, Nice horse in I. Fast Appearqance, 1st Placed on Long Distance Cup in III. Champion Day, 2nd Horse in Stg. Reckless Memorial Dash, Absolute Winner in Galopp with Flash, 1st Placed Horse in Galopp with Flash, Pretty Horse in Amonio
Hvneve: |
Carpe |
Nem: |
Mn |
Szletett: |
2014. 04. 05. |
Fajta: |
Angol telivr |
Marmagassg: |
172 cm |
Szakg: |
Hossztv |
sszesen: 20 helyezs | Ebbl dobogs: 20
1. Helyezett. Dvayne Racecourse Reopen Appearance ( *abszolt gyztes
1. Helyezett. Unchained Stud & Breeding III. Champipn Day ( *abszolt gyztes
1. Helyezett. Lizzye's & Lexi's Private Stables Galopp with Flash ( *abszolt gyztes
1. Helyezett. Bel Cavallo Private Stable I. BC Appearance ( *kznsg kedvence
1. Helyezett. Bel Cavallo Private Stable Telivrek Klleme (
1. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables Band Appearance (
1. Helyezett. Prime Perfection Private Stable Perfection's Galopp Days (
1. Helyezett. Paradox Magnistll Rolex Appearance (
1. Helyezett: Amonio Unicorn Versenypark I. Amonio Appearance (
1. Helyezett. Dvayne Racecourse Dvayne Days (kllem) (
1. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables I. Thoroughbred Days from Farifield (kllem) (
1. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables I. Thoroughbred Days from Farifield (galopp) (
2. Helyezett. Dvayne Racecourse Dvayne Days (galopp) (
2. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables Thoroughbred Days //Kllem// (
2. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables Thoroughbred Days //Galopp// (
2. Helyezett. Red Sky at the Morning Stables Verseny neve (
2. Helyezett. Motion de Avenue Stables Galopp Days (
2. Helyezett. Dvayne Racecourse I. Fast Appearance (
2. Helyezett. Patanevelde I. Summer Appearance (
2. Helyezett. Farifield* Stables Stg. Reckless Memorial Dash (
??. Helyezett. Park neve Verseny neve (???.gp)
Trzsknyvezett nv: |
Carpe Diem de Soul |
Trzsknyvi szm: |
456-2220/Thor. |
Szrmazs: |
Amerika |
Never Give Up
Victory |
Victorian Hero |
Viva Miana |
Loveless Girl |
Lovely Boy |
Princess Melody |
Only Fire |
You are my Fire |
You are my Godness |
Fire Heart |
Only My Princess |
Only One |
Princessin |
Rajtengedly: |
Van |
Tenyszengedly: |
Nincs |
tlevl: |
Van |
